Sunday, November 25, 2007

Racism=White Supremacy

It is very important that a non-white person uses the word Racism in conjunction with the words White Supremacy and here's why.

When non-white people use the term Racism without using the term White Supremacy with it white people make sure the conversation is NOT focused on the mistreatment of people on the basis of COLOR. I have heard white people say "all forms of racism" in a conversation with non-white people and it is confusing to non-white people but not to white people.

White people KNOW what Racism is and they KNOW who the Victims of Racism (White Supremacy) are.

When non-white people use the term White Supremacy without using the term Racism with it white people will say that the non-white person is practicing Racism. I have seen it many times. Sometimes the white person will not say this directly but listen close to where the conversation goes when White Supremacy comes out of the mouth of a non-white person and the word Racism is not attached to it versus when it is attached to it. It always goes away from being mistreated on the basis of COLOR.

Race IS Racism. The ONLY purpose of a Race of people is to commit Racism. The ONLY Race of people in the universe is the people who classify themselves as white. Take a look at the following mathematical equation for reference...

Racism (White Supremacy) is a BEHAVIORAL SYSTEM that FUNCTIONS in all areas of people activity to maintain the POWER equation of WHITE OVER NON-WHITE.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?

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